
Technical Development Division


To deliver safe water to people around the world

This belief has been consistent in the history of our technological development since the founding of our company.
We will continue to nurture new creativity and unique technologies to achieve the "development of social infrastructure related to water" in order to create the scenes of joy that water produces.
That is the mission of our technology development.

Areas of technology development

Waterworks technology

Contributing to the development of Japan's world-class water supply technology

The water supply technology of Kubota Construction provides happiness to people in Japan and around the world with safe and reliable technology for supplying water.

In the areas of water intake, water treatment and pipeline construction, we have developed and supplied unique technologies that have established an unchallenged reputation.
Water treatment facility: ENVICO Water Purifying System
Water service pipeline construction technology: DXR method

Sewerage technology

Challenge to recycle the limited resource of "water"

Japan has one of the highest sewerage system coverage rates in the world, but the aging of the pipelines and the need to make them earthquake-resistant in preparation for major earthquakes are becoming urgent tasks.

As our best solution to offer, we are further improving our pipe and drain construction technology (Kubota Mini Shield Tunneling Method) and pipe regeneration technology (Danby method).
Pipe and drain construction technology: New type segment development
Pipe regeneration technology: Danby method


Further challenge toward "automation and unmanned operation"

One of our missions is to "Break away from the 3K" ("Kitanai" (dirty), "Kiken" (dangerous), and "Kitsui" (hard)) We are developing construction systems that incorporate cutting-edge equipment with the aim of achieving the automation and unmanned operation of various type of machineries, particularly with our proprietary technology.

This includes research into the introduction of AI and information and communications technology for narrow tunnels.
Self-driving battery locomotives
Sewage heat utilization system simulation
